Contemporary Issues Forum
Contemporary Issues Forum 2024 Topic | What is Contemporary Issues Forum? Contemporary Issues Forum is a debate between two member teams and is based on the Big Questions Debate format. It is designed to encourage students to research, explore, and engage in discussion. Debate is a formal argument in which a team of affirmative debaters answers a formally worded question and a team of negative debaters argue the other side of the question. Teams will compete in a 4 round tournament (the 5th round will be between the top teams) and must argue both sides of the question. This encourages them to open their minds and learn about viewpoints that may not align with their previously held beliefs. | Resources
Interested in being a Volunteer Judge?
Contemporary Issues Forum can not be possible without the volunteers that help judge each round. If you are interested in volunteering to help our middle school students experience this one of a kind program please fill out this form. Also, check out this guide by the National Speech and Debate Association on judging the Big Questions Debate format.